Guidelines for contributors
All are welcome to contribute to flepiMoP! The easiest way is to open an issue on GitHub if you encounter a bug or if you have an issue with the framework. We would be very happy to help you out.
If you want to contribute code, fork the flepiMoP repository, modify it, and submit your Pull Request (PR). In order to be merged, a pull request need:
the approval of two reviewers AND
the continuous integration (CI) tests passing.
Contributing to the Python code
The "heart" of the pipeline, gempyor, is written in Python taking advantage of just-in-time compilation (via numba
) and existing optimized libraries (numpy
, pandas
). If you would like to help us build gempyor, here is some useful information.
We make extensive use of the following packages:
click for managing the command-line arguments
confuse for accessing the configuration file
numba to just-in-time compile the core model
sympy to parse the model equations
pyarrow as parquet is our main data storage format
xarray, which provides labels in the form of dimensions, coordinates and attributes on top of raw NumPy multidimensional arrays, for performance and convenience ;
emcee for inference, as an option
graphviz to export transition graph between compartments
pandas, numpy, scipy, seaborn, matplotlib and tqdm like many Python projects
One of the current focus is to switch internal data types from dataframes and numpy array to xarrays!
Tests and build dependencies
To run the tests suite locally, you'll need to install the gempyor package with build dependencies:
which installs the pytest
and mock
packages in addition to all other gempyor dependencies so that one can run tests.
If you are running from a conda environment and installing with `--no-deps`, then you should make sure that these two packages are installed.
Now you can try to run the gempyor test suite by running, from the flepimop/gempyor_pkg
If that works, then you are ready to develop gempyor. Feel free to open your first pull request.
If you want more output on tests, e.g capturing standard output (print), you can use:
and to run just some subset of the tests (e.g here just the outcome tests), use:
For more details on how to use pytest
please refer to their usage guide.
We try to remain close to Python conventions and to follow the updated rules and best practices. For formatting, we use black, the Uncompromising Code Formatter before submitting pull requests. It provides a consistent style, which is useful when diffing. To get started with black please refer to their Getting Started guide. We use a custom length of 92 characters as the baseline is short for scientific code. Here is the line to use to format your code:
For those using a Mac or Linux system for development this command is also available for use by calling ./bin/lint
. Similarly, you can take advantage of the formatting pre-commit hook found at bin/pre-commit
. To start using it copy this file to your git hooks folder:
Last updated