Short internal tutorial on running locally using a "Docker" container.
There are more comprehensive directions in the How to run -> Running with Docker locally section, but this section has some specifics required to do US-specific, COVID-19 and flu-specific runs
Run Docker Image
Current Docker image: /hopkinsidd/flepimop:latest-dev
Docker is a software platform that allows you to build, test, and deploy applications quickly. Docker packages software into standardized units called containers that have everything the software needs to run including libraries, system tools, code, and runtime. This means you can run and install software without installing the dependencies in the system.
A docker container is an environment which is isolated from the rest of the operating system i.e. you can create files, programs, delete and everything but that will not affect your OS. It is a local virtual OS within your OS ;
For flepiMoP, we have a docker container that will help you get running quickly ;
In this command we run the docker image hopkinsidd/flepimop
. The -v
command is used to allocate space from Docker and mount it at the given location ;
This mounts the data folder <dir1>
to a path called drp
within the docker environment, and the COVIDScenarioPipeline <dir2>
in flepimop
First, populate the folder name variables:
Then, export variables for some flags and the census API key (you can use your own):
Go into the Pipeline repo (making sure it is up to date on your favorite branch) and do the installation required of the repository:
Note: These installations take place in the docker container and not the Operating System. They must be made once while starting the container and need not be done for every time you are running tests, provided they have been installed once.
Everything is now ready. 🎉 Let's do some clean-up in the data folder (these files might not exist, but it's good practice to make sure your simulation isn't re-using some old files) ;
, select a config, and build the setup. The setup creates the population seeding file (geodata) and the population mobility file (mobility). Then, run inference:
is the number of parallel inference slots,
is the number of CPU cores it'll use in your machine,
is the number of iterations per slots.
It should run successfully and create a lot of files in model_output/
The last few lines visible on the command prompt should be:
Other helpful tools
To understand the basics of docker refer to the following: Docker Basics
To install docker for windows refer to the following link: Installing Docker
The following is a good tutorial for introduction to docker: Docker Tutorial
To run the entire pipeline we use the command prompt. To open the command prompt type “Command Prompt" in the search bar and open the command prompt. Here is a tutorial video for navigating through the command prompt: Command Prompt Tutorial
To test, we use the test folder (test_documentation_inference_us in this case) in the CovidScenariPipeline as the data repository folder. We run the docker container and set the paths.
This page, along with the other AWS run guides, are not deprecated in case we need to run flepiMoP
on AWS again in the future, but also are not maintained as other platforms (such as longleaf and rockfish) are preferred for running production jobs.
For large simulations, running the model on a cluster or cloud computing is required. AWS provides a good solution for this, if funding or credits are available (AWS can get very expensive).
This document contains instructions for setting up and running the two different kinds of SEIR modeling jobs supported by the COVIDScenarioPipeline repository on AWS:
Inference jobs, using AWS Batch to coordinate hundreds/thousands of jobs across a fleet of servers, and
Planning jobs, using a single relatively large EC2 instance (usually an r5.24xlarge
) to run one or more planning scenarios on a single high-powered machine.
Most of the steps required to setup and run the two different types of jobs on AWS are identical, and I will explicitly call out the places where different steps are required. Throughout the document, we assume that your client machine is a UNIX-like environment (e.g., OS X, Linux, or WSL).
I need a few things to be true about the local machine that you will be using to connect to AWS that I'll outline here:
You have created and downloaded a .pem
file for connecting to an EC2 instance to your ~/.ssh
directory. When we provision machines, you'll need to use the .pem
file as a secret key for connecting. You may need to change the permission of the .pem file:
You have created a ~/.ssh/config
file that contains an entry that looks like this so we can use staging
as an alias for your provisioned EC2 instance in the rest of the runbook:
You can connect to Github via SSH. This is important because we will need to use your Github SSH key to interact with private repositories from the staging
server on EC2.
If you are running an Inference job, you should use a small instance type for your staging server (e.g., an m5.xlarge
will be more than enough.) If you are running a Planning job, you should provision a beefy instance type (I am especially partial to the memory-and-CPU heavy r5.24xlarge
, but given how fast the planning code has become, an r5.8xlarge
should be perfectly adequate.)
If you have access to the jh-covid
account, you should use the IDD Staging AMI (ami-03641dd0c8554e5d0
) to provision and launch new staging servers; it is already setup with all of the dependencies described in this section, however you will need to alter it's default network settings, iam role and security group(Please refer this page in details). You can find the AMI here, select it, and press the Launch button to walk you through the Launch Wizard to choose your instance type and .pem
file to provision your staging server. When going through the Launch Wizard, be sure to select Next: Configure Instance details
instead of Review and Launch
. You will need to continue selecting the option that is not Review and Launch
until you have selected a security group. In these screens, most of the default options are fine, but you will want to set the HPC VPC network, choose a public subnet (it will say public or private in the name), and set the iam role to EC2S3FullAccess on the first screen. You can also name the machine by providing a Name
tag in the tags screen. Finally, you will need to set your security group to dcv_usa
and/or dcv_usa2
. You can then finalize the machine initialization with Review and Launch
. Once your instance is provisioned, be sure to put its IP address into the HostName
section of the ~/.ssh/config
file on your local client so that you can connect to it from your client by simply typing ssh staging
in your terminal window.
If you are having connection timeout issues when trying to ssh into the AWS machine, you should check that you have SSH TCP Port 22 permissions in the dcv_usa
/ security group.
If you do not have access to the jh-covid
account, you should walk through the regular EC2 Launch Wizard flow and be sure to choose the Amazon Linux 2 AMI (HVM), SSD Volume Type (ami-0e34e7b9ca0ace12d
, the 64-bit x86 version) AMI. Once the machine is up and running and you can SSH to it, you will need to run the following code to install the software you will need for the rest of the run:
Once your staging server is provisioned and you can connect to it, you should scp
the private key file that you use for connecting to Github to the /home/ec2-user/.ssh
directory on the staging server (e.g., if the local file is named ~/.ssh/id_rsa
, then you should run scp ~/.ssh/id_rsa staging:/home/ec2-user/.ssh
to do the copy). For convenience, you should create a /home/ec2-user/.ssh/config
file on the staging server that has the following entry:
This way, the git clone
, git pull
, etc. operations that you run on the staging server will use your SSH key without constantly prompting you to login. Be sure to chmod 600 ~/.ssh/config
to give the new file the correct permissions. You should now be able to clone a COVID19 data repository into your home directory on the staging server to do work against. For this example, to use the COVID19_Minimal
repo, run:
to get it onto the staging server. By convention, we do runs with the COVIDScenarioPipeline
repository nested inside of the data repository, so we then do:
to clone the modeling code itself into a child directory of the data repository.
The previous section is only for getting a minimal set of dependencies setup on your staging server. To do an actual run, you will need to download the Docker container that contains the more extensive set of dependencies we need for running the code in the COVIDScenarioPipeline
repository. To get the development container on your staging server, please run:
There are multiple versions of the container published on DockerHub, but latest-dev
contains the latest-and-greatest dependencies and can support both Inference and Planning jobs. In order to launch the container and run a job, we need to make our local COVID19_Minimal
directory visible to the container's runtime. For Inference jobs, we do this by running:
The -v
option to docker run
maps a file in the host filesystem (i.e., the path on the left side of the colon) to a file in the container's filesystem. Here, we are mapping the /home/ec2-user/COVID19_Minimal
directory on the staging server where we checked out our data repo to the /home/app/src
directory in the container (by convention, we run commands inside of the container as a user named app
.) We also map our .ssh
directory from the host filesystem into the container so that we can interact with Github if need be using our SSH keys. Once the container is launched, we can cd src; ls -ltr
to look around and ensure that our directory mapping was successful and we see the data and code files that we are expecting to run with.
Once you are in the src
directory, there are a few final steps required to install the R packages and Python modules contained within the COVIDScenarioPipeline
repository. First, checkout the correct branch of COVIDScenarioPipeline
. Then, assuming that you created a COVIDScenarioPipeline
directory within the data repo in the previous step, you should be able to run:
to install the local R packages and then install the Python modules.
Once this step is complete, your machine is properly provisioned to run Planning jobs using the tools you normally use (e.g., make_makefile.R
or running simulate.py
and hospdeath.R
directly, depending on the situation.) Running Inference jobs requires some extra steps that are covered in the next two sections.
Once the container is setup from the previous step, we are ready to test out and then launch an inference job against a configuration file (I will use the example of config.yml
for the rest of this document.) First, I setup and run the build_US_setup.R
script against my configuration file to ensure that the mobility data is up to date:
Next, I kick off a small local run of the full_filter.R
script. This serves two purposes: first, we can verify that the configuration file is in good shape and can support a few small iterations of the inference calculations before we kick off hundreds/thousands of jobs via AWS Batch. Second, it downloads the case data that we need for inference calculations to the staging server so that it can be cached locally and used by the batch jobs on AWS- if we do not have a local cache of this data at the start of the run, then every job will try to download the data itself, which will force the upstream server to deny service to the worker jobs, which will cause all of the jobs to fail. My small runs usually look like:
This will run two sequential simulations (-k 2
) for a single slot (-n 1
) using a single CPU core (-j 1
), looking for the modeling source code in the COVIDScenarioPipeline
directory (-p COVIDScenarioPipeline
). (We need to use the command line arguments here to explicitly override the settings of these parameters inside of config.yml
since this run is only for local testing.) Assuming that this run succeeds, we are ready to kick off a batch job on the cluster.
The COVIDScenarioPipeline/batch/inference_job.py
script will use the contents of the current directory and the values of the config file and any commandline arguments we pass it to launch a run on AWS Batch via the AWS API. To run this script, you need to have access to your AWS access keys so that you can enable access to the API by running aws configure
at the command line, which will prompt you to enter your access key, secret, and preferred region, which should always be us-west-2
for jh-covid
runs. (You can leave the Default format
entry blank by simply hitting Enter.) IMPORTANT REMINDER: (Do not give anyone your access key and secret. If you lose it, deactivate it on the AWS console and create a new one. Keeep it safe.)
The simplest way to launch an inference job is to simply run
This will use the contents of the config file to determine how many slots to run, how many simulations to run for each slot, and how to break those simulations up into blocks of batch jobs that run sequentially. If you need to override any of those settings at the command line, you can run
to see the full list of command line arguments the script takes and how to set them.
One particular type of command line argument cannot be specified in the config: arguments to resume a run from a previously submitted run. This takes two arguments based on the previous run:
Both the s3 bucket and run id are printed as part of the output for the previous submission. We store that information on a slack channel #csp-production, and suggest other groups find similar storage.
Inference jobs are parallelized by NPI scenarios and hospitalization rates, so if your config file defines more than one top-level scenario or more than one set of hospitalization parameters, the inference_job.py
script will kick off a separate batch job for the cross product of scenarios * hospitalizations. The script will announce that it is launching each job and will print out the path on S3 where the final output for the job will be written. You can monitor the progress of the running jobs using either the AWS Batch Dashboard or by running:
which will show you the running status of the jobs in each of the queues.
By default, the AWS Batch system will usually run around 50% of your desired simultaneously executable jobs concurrently for a given inference run. For example, if you are running 300 slots, Batch will generally run about 150 of those 300 tasks at a given time. If you need to force Batch to run more tasks concurrently, this section provides instructions for how to cajole Batch into running harder.
You can see how many tasks are running within each of the different Batch Compute Environments corresponding to the Batch Job Queues via the Elastic Container Service (ECS) Dashboard. There is a one-to-one correspondence between Job Queues, Compute Environments, and ECS Clusters (the matching ones all end with the same numeric identifier.) You can force Batch to scale up the number of CPUs available for running tasks by selecting the radio button corresponding to the compute environment that you want to scale on the Batch Compute Environment dashboard, clicking Edit, increasing the Desired CPU (and possibly the Minimum CPU, see below), and clicking the Save button. You will be able to see new containers and tasks coming online via the ECS Dashboard after a few minutes.
If you want to force new tasks to come online ASAP, you should consider increasing the Minimum CPU for the Compute Environment as well as the Desired CPU (the Desired CPU is not allowed to be lower than the Minimum CPU, so if you increase the Minimum you must increase the Desired as well to match it.) This will cause Batch to spin new containers up quickly and get them populated with running tasks. There are two downsides to doing this: first, it overrides the allocation algorithm that makes cost/performance tradeoff decisions in favor of spending more money in order to get more tasks running. Second, you must remember to update the Compute Environment towards the end of the job run to set the Minimum CPU to zero again so that the ECS cluster can spin down when the job is finished; if you do not do this, ECS will simply leave the machines up and running, wasting money without doing any actual work. (Note that you should never manually try to lower the value of the Desired CPU setting for the Compute Environment- the Batch system will throw an error if you attempt to do this.)
This page, along with the other AWS run guides, are not deprecated in case we need to run flepiMoP
on AWS again in the future, but also are not maintained as other platforms (such as longleaf and rockfish) are preferred for running production jobs.
see Building a configuration file
Spin up an Ubuntu submission box if not already running. To do this, log onto AWS Console and start the EC2 instance.
Update IP address in .ssh/config file. To do this, open a terminal and type the command below. This will open your config file where you can change the IP to the IP4 assigned to the AWS EC2 instance (see AWS Console for this):
SSH into the box. In the terminal, SSH into your box. Typically we name these instances "staging", so usually the command is:
Now you should be logged onto the AWS submission box.
Update the github repositories. In the below example we assume you are running main
branch in Flu_USA andmain
branch in COVIDScenarioPipeline. This assumes you have already loaded the appropriate repositories on your EC2 instance. Have your GitHub ssh key passphrase handy so you can paste it when prompted (possibly multiple times) with the git pull command. Alternatively, you can add your github key to your batch box so you do not have to log in repeated (see X).
Initiate the docker. Start up and log into the docker container, pull the repos from GitHub, and run setup scripts to setup the environment. This setup code links the docker directories to the existing directories on your box. As this is the case, you should not run job submission simultaneously using this setup, as one job submission might modify the data for another job submission.
To run the via AWS, we first run a setup run locally (in docker on the submission EC2 box) ;
Setup environment variables. Modify the code chunk below and submit in the terminal. We also clear certain files and model output that get generated in the submission process. If these files exist in the repo, they may not get cleared and could cause issues. You need to modify the variable values in the first 4 lines below. These include the SCENARIO
. If submitting multiple jobs, it is recommended to split jobs between 2 queues: Compartment-JQ-1588569569
and Compartment-JQ-1588569574
If not resuming off previous run:
If resuming from a previous run, there are an additional couple variables to set. This is the same for a regular resume or continuation resume. Specifically:
from the run resuming from.
- the S3 bucket where this previous run is stored
Preliminary model run. We do a setup run with 1 to 2 iterations to make sure the model runs and setup input data. This takes several minutes to complete, depending on how complex the simulation will be. To do this, run the following code chunk, with no modification of the code required:
Configure AWS. Assuming that the simulations finish successfully, you will now enter credentials and submit your job onto AWS batch. Enter the following command into the terminal ;
You will be prompted to enter the following items. These can be found in a file called new_user_credentials.csv
Access key ID when prompted
Secret access key when prompted
Default region name: us-west-2
Default output: Leave blank when this is prompted and press enter (The Access Key ID and Secret Access Key will be given to you once in a file)
Launch the job. To launch the job, use the appropriate setup based on the type of job you are doing. No modification of these code chunks should be required.
NOTE: Resume and Continuation Resume runs are currently submitted the same way, resuming from an S3 that was generated manually. Typically we will also submit any Continuation Resume run specifying
as starting seeding conditions will be manually constructed and put in the S3.
Carrying seeding (do this to use seeding fits from resumed run):
Discarding seeding (do this to refit seeding again):
Single Iteration + Carry seeding (do this to produce additional scenarios where no fitting is required):
NOTE: A Resume and Continuation Resume are currently submitted the same way, but with
specified and resuming from an S3 that was generated manually.
Commit files to Github. After the job is successfully submitted, you will now be in a new branch of the population repo. Commit the ground truth data files to the branch on github and then return to the main branch:
Save submission info to slack. We use a slack channel to save the submission information that gets outputted. Copy this to slack so you can identify the job later. Example output:
This page, along with the other AWS run guides, are not deprecated in case we need to run flepiMoP
on AWS again in the future, but also are not maintained as other platforms (such as longleaf and rockfish) are preferred for running production jobs.
see Building a configuration file
Spin up an Ubuntu submission box if not already running. To do this, log onto AWS Console and start the EC2 instance.
Update IP address in .ssh/config file. To do this, open a terminal and type the command below. This will open your config file where you can change the IP to the IP4 assigned to the AWS EC2 instance (see AWS Console for this):
SSH into the box. In the terminal, SSH into your box. Typically we name these instances "staging", so usually the command is:
Now you should be logged onto the AWS submission box.
Update the github repositories. In the below example we assume you are running main
branch in Flu_USA andmain
branch in COVIDScenarioPipeline. This assumes you have already loaded the appropriate repositories on your EC2 instance. Have your Github ssh key passphrase handy so you can paste it when prompted (possibly multiple times) with the git pull command. Alternatively, you can add your github key to your batch box so you do not have to log in repeated (see X).
Initiate the docker. Start up and log into the docker container, pull the repos from Github, and run setup scripts to setup the environment. This setup code links the docker directories to the existing directories on your box. As this is the case, you should not run job submission simultaneously using this setup, as one job submission might modify the data for another job submission.
To run the via AWS, we first run a setup run locally (in docker on the submission EC2 box) ;
Setup environment variables. Modify the code chunk below and submit in the terminal. We also clear certain files and model output that get generated in the submission process. If these files exist in the repo, they may not get cleared and could cause issues. You need to modify the variable values in the first 4 lines below. These include the SCENARIO
. If submitting multiple jobs, it is recommended to split jobs between 2 queues: Compartment-JQ-1588569569
and Compartment-JQ-1588569574
If not resuming off previous run:
If resuming from a previous run, there are an additional couple variables to set. This is the same for a regular resume or continuation resume. Specifically:
from the run resuming from.
- the S3 bucket where this previous run is stored
Preliminary model run. We do a setup run with 1 to 2 iterations to make sure the model runs and setup input data. This takes several minutes to complete, depending on how complex the simulation will be. To do this, run the following code chunk, with no modification of the code required:
Configure AWS. Assuming that the simulations finish successfully, you will now enter credentials and submit your job onto AWS batch. Enter the following command into the terminal ;
You will be prompted to enter the following items. These can be found in a file called new_user_credentials.csv
Access key ID when prompted
Secret access key when prompted
Default region name: us-west-2
Default output: Leave blank when this is prompted and press enter (The Access Key ID and Secret Access Key will be given to you once in a file)
Launch the job. To launch the job, use the appropriate setup based on the type of job you are doing. No modification of these code chunks should be required.
NOTE: Resume and Continuation Resume runs are currently submitted the same way, resuming from an S3 that was generated manually. Typically we will also submit any Continuation Resume run specifying
as starting seeding conditions will be manually constructed and put in the S3.
Carrying seeding (do this to use seeding fits from resumed run):
Discarding seeding (do this to refit seeding again):
Single Iteration + Carry seeding (do this to produce additional scenarios where no fitting is required):
Commit files to GitHub. After the job is successfully submitted, you will now be in a new branch of the population repo. Commit the ground truth data files to the branch on GitHub and then return to the main branch:
Save submission info to slack. We use a slack channel to save the submission information that gets outputted. Copy this to slack so you can identify the job later. Example output:
or any HPC using the slurm workload manager
Rockfish administrators provided several partitions with different properties. For our needs (storage intensive and shared environment), we work in the /scratch4/struelo1/
partition, where we have 20T of space. Our folders are organized as:
code-folder: /scratch4/struelo1/flepimop-code/
where each user has its own subfolder, from where the repos are cloned and the runs are launched. e.g for user chadi, we'll find:
(we keep separated repositories by users so that different versions of the pipeline are not mixed where we run several runs in parallel. Don't hesitate to create other subfolders in the code folder (/scratch4/struelo1/flepimop-code/chadi-flusight
, ...) if you need them.
Note that the repository is cloned flat, i.e the flepiMoP
repository is at the same level as the data repository, not inside it!
output folder:/scratch4/struelo1/flepimop-runs
stores the run outputs. After an inference run finishes, it's output and the logs files are copied from the $PROJECT_PATH/model_output
to /scratch4/struelo1/flepimop-runs/THISRUNJOBNAME
where the jobname is usually of the form USA-DATE.
When logging on you'll see two folders data_struelo1
and scr4_struelo1
, which are shortcuts to /data/struelo1
and /scratch4/struelo1
. We don't use data/struelo1
Using ssh from your terminal, type in:
and enter your password when prompted. You'll be into rockfish's login node, which is a remote computer whose only purpose is to prepare and launch computations on so-called compute nodes.
Load the right modules for the setup:
Now, type the following line so git remembers your credential and you don't have to enter your token 6 times per day:
Now you need to create the conda environment. You will create the environment in two shorter commands, installing the python and R stuff separately. This can be extremely long if done in one command, so doing it in two helps. This command is quite long you'll have the time to brew some nice coffee ☕️:
Use the following commands to have git clone the FlepiMoP repository and any other model repositories you'd like to work on through https
. In the code below, $USER is a variable that contains your username.
You will be prompted to provide your GitHub username and password. Note that from 2021, GitHub has changed the use of passwords to the use of personal acces tokens, so the prompted "password" is not the password you use to login. Instead, we recommend using the more safe ssh
protocol to clone GitHub repositories. To do so, first generate an ssh private-public keypair on the Rockfish cluster and then copy the generated public key from the Rockfish cluster to your local computer by opening a terminal and prompting,
scp -r <username>@rfdtn1.rockfish.jhu.edu:/home/<username>/.ssh/<key_name.pub> .
Then add the public key to your GitHub account. Next, make a file ~/.ssh/config
by using the command
vi ~/.ssh/config`. Press 'I' to go into insert mode and paste the following chunck of code,
Press 'esc' to exit INSERT model followed by ':x' to save and exit the file. By adding this configuration file, you make sure Rockfish doesn't forget your ssh key when you log out. Now clone the github repositories as follows,
and you will not be prompted for credentials.
This can be done in a second step -- but is necessary in order to push and pull data to Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3). Setup AWS by running,
Then run ./aws-cli/bin/aws configure
to set up your credentials,
To get the (secret) access key, ask the AWS administrator (Shaun Truelove) to generate them for you.
log-in to rockfish via ssh, then type:
which will prepare the environment and setup variables for the validation date (choose as day after end_date_groundtruth
), the resume location and the run index for this run. If you don't want to set a variable, just hit enter.
Note that now the run-id of the run we resume from is automatically inferred by the batch script :)
Check that the conda environment is activated: you should see(flepimop-env)
on the left of your command-line prompt.
Then prepare the pipeline directory (if you have already done that and the pipeline hasn't been updated (git pull
says it's up to date) then you can skip these steps
Now flepiMoP is ready 🎉. If the R
command doesn't work, try r
and if that doesn't work run module load
Next step is to setup the data. First $PROJECT_PATH to your data folder, and set any data options. If you are using the Delph Epidata API, first register for a key here: https://cmu-delphi.github.io/delphi-epidata/. Once you have a key, add that below where you see [YOUR API KEY]. Alternatively, you can put that key in your config file in the inference
section as gt_api_key: "YOUR API KEY"
For a COVID-19 run, do:
for Flu do:
Now for any type of run:
Do some clean-up before your run. The fast way is to restore the $PROJECT_PATH
git repository to its blank states (⚠️ removes everything that does not come from git):
Run the preparatory script for the data and you are good,
If you want to profile how the model is using your memory resources during the run:
Now you may want to test that it works :
If this fails, you may want to investigate this error. In case this succeeds, then you can proceed by first deleting the model_output:
When an inference batch job is launched, a few post processing scripts are called to run automatically postprocessing-scripts.sh.
You can manually change what you want to run by editing this script.
Now you're fully set to go 🎉
To launch the whole inference batch job, type the following command:
This command infers everything from you environment variables, if there is a resume or not, what is the run_id, etc. The part after the "2" makes sure this file output is redirected to a script for logging, but has no impact on your submission.
If you'd like to have more control, you can specify the arguments manually:
If you want to send any post-processing outputs to #flepibot-test
instead of csp-production
, add the flag --slack-channel debug
Commit files to Github. After the job is successfully submitted, you will now be in a new branch of the data repo. Commit the ground truth data files to the branch on github and then return to the main branch:
but DO NOT finish up by git checking main like the aws instructions, as the run will use data in the current folder.
Two types of logfiles: in `$PROJECT_PATH`: slurm-JOBID_SLOTID.out and and filter_MC logs:
```tail -f /scratch4/struelo1/flepimop-runs/USA-20230130T163847/log_FCH_R16_lowBoo_modVar_ContRes_blk4_Jan29_tsvacc_100.txt
When approching the file number quota, type
to find which subfolders contains how many files
Check that the python comes from conda with which python
if some weird package missing errors arrive. Sometime conda magically disappears.
Don't use ipython
as it breaks click's flags
We use ntfy.sh for notification. Install ntfy on your Iphone or Android device. Then subscribe to the channel ntfy.sh/flepimop_alerts
where you'll receive notifications when runs are done.
End of job notifications goes as urgent priority.
Check your running jobs:
where job_id has your full array job_id and each slot after the under-score. You can see their status (R: running, P: pending), how long they have been running and soo on.
To cancel a job
To check your code prior to submitting a large batch job, it's often helpful to run an interactive session to debug your code and check everything works as you want. On 🪨🐠 this can be done using interact
like the below line, which requests an interactive session with 4 cores, 24GB of memory, for 12 hours.
The options here are [-n tasks or cores]
, [-t walltime]
, [-p partition]
and [-m memory]
, though other options can also be included or modified to your requirements. More details can be found on the ARCH User Guide.
Often you'll need to move files back and forth between Rockfish and your local computer. To do this, you can use Open-On-Demand, or any other command line tool.
scp -r <user>@rfdtn1.rockfish.jhu.edu:"<file path of what you want>" <where you want to put it in your local>
These steps are already done an affects all users, but might be interesting in case you'd like to run on another cluster
So our 🤖-friend can send us some notifications once a run is done.
This page, along with the other AWS run guides, are not deprecated in case we need to run flepiMoP
on AWS again in the future, but also are not maintained as other platforms (such as longleaf and rockfish) are preferred for running production jobs.
As a computational environment, you can use an RStudio Server integrated AWS EC2 instance for either your personal space or shared usages among multiple users, via GUI as well as CLI using ssh. The EC2 instance-type was selected to be appropriate one for running programs as of now (2023/1), in views of both computational resources and finances, so that you can use a cloud-based computing environment which you can access with GUI including from Web, without any difficulties to set it up. The details hereinafter may be able to change.
The current installed versions of software or additional information related to AWS EC2 are as follows:
R/RStudio Server
R version: 4.2.2
RStudio Server version: v2022.07.02+576
AWS EC2 instance configurations
instance-type: r6i.4xlarge (16 cores, 128GB mem ;
Storage: 2TB x 1 (gp3)
OS: ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy)
To be written/ Talk to someone who would be able to do that.
EC2 instance initialization with specfic AMI
Configured network related including ports openings
registration of the user in the EC2 instance
Configuring shared directory via SMB and accoun ;
The procedure is same as a normal ec2 instance starting. One way is to select the ec2 instance and start it in EC2 Management Console ;
Once the instance started, RStudio Server can be accessed without invoking manually ;
By default RStudio Server runs on port 8787 and accepts connections from all remote clients. After invoking an EC2 box you should therefore be able to navigate a web browser to the following address to access the server:
Then the authentication dialog will be shown, try to log in by inputting your username and password which are already registered in the box and pushing the "Sign In " button:
RStudio view can be appeared as below:
To access the linux server with GUI, RDP software can be applicable, in addition to the usual way, via ssh with command line.
By using "Remote Desktop Connection" app in Windows, you can log in to the Linux server box from remote environment.
For Mac users, the below RDP software is recommented:
As a shared space, the directory named:
is deployed among multiple server boxes using EFS(Elastic File System) which covers NFSv4 protocol. ;
In the linux box, Samba(SMB) service has been on for file exchanging by default. The area in which can be readable and writable under the specific user privileages is:
When accessing the area via SMB, you can input username and its password in a dialog window which will be shown. The username is:
(ask password for above user in advance, if you want to access via SMB)
By inputting the form such as \\<ip-addr>\share
in Windows Explorer
From Finder you can access the shared space using SMB.
From Finder Menu, choose "MOVE" then "Connect to Server"
When a dialog appears, fill username and password out as a registered user ;
After pushing "connect" button, the designated area will be shown in Finder if no errors happen ;
When you are inside of the university networks, e.g. in labs or in office, you will not access to the server box with SMB because the networks may be blocking the ports related to the services.
If you are using MAC as a local pc, there is a workaround to avoid the situation but for Windows it has not been clear there is a solution (now under investigation). If you want to know the related information, currently even for Mac user only though, please try to make a contact. In case of a Windows user, I recommend using "Local devices and resources" setting of Remote Desktop Connection.\
This page, along with the other AWS run guides, are not deprecated in case we need to run flepiMoP
on AWS again in the future, but also are not maintained as other platforms (such as longleaf and rockfish) are preferred for running production jobs.
Click on below:
Sign in as IAM user with your given Accound ID, username and Password
Then the next view appears, check "regeon" as "Oregon" by default and "user@Accond ID" as you expeced.
If you have already accessed AWS console, these kinds of view can be seen. In the case select "EC2" to go to "EC2 Dashboard"(if not, skip it).
In this EC2 Dashboard, we can maintain the EC2 boxes from creation to deletion. In this section, how to create an EC2 instance from the AMI image which has already been registered is shown.
Select "Images>AMIs" in the right pane(Navigation pain) ;
Select an AMI name which name is "IDD Staging AMI" in the "Amazon Machine Images (AMIs)" by clicking the responding AMI checkbox on the left, then push the "Launch instance from AMI" button (colored in orange).
To create an EC2 instance, fill out the items as below (example):
Name and tags
input an appropriate name (e.g., "sample_box01")
Application and OS image
check whether "AMI from catalog" is _"IDD Staging AMI" (for example; select one as you want) ;
Instance type
as you selected by drop-down list(e.g., m5.xlarge)
Key pair(login ;
you can generate new key pair if you want to connect to the instance securely (by clicking "Create new key pair" on the right side), but usually select "ams__ks_ED25519__keypair" by drop-down list so that you can be helped when local client setup (recommended).
In case that you use your own key, you will be the only person to log in, of course. you should be careful of handling key management ;
Network settings (push the button "Edit" on the right to extend configuration; see below)
VPC - required
select "HPC VPC" item by drop-down menu
select "HPC Public Subnet among _"us-west-2*" ;
Firewall (security groups)
select "Select existing security grous" toggle, then
Common security groups
select "dvc_usa" and "dvc__usa2" by drop-down menu
Advanced details
"EC2S3FullAccess" should be setected in IAM instance profile, but to do it an authentication (IAM role or policy) must be set on to the working IAM account
then push "Launch Instance" button which is located at the bottom right side of the scree ;