Common error messages and how to debug them
Storage full on submission box
there can be so many error patterns in shortage of storage
// Some code
In this case, a common problem is that multiple unused docker containers remain on the submission box. A simple solution is to prune unused containers:
docker system prune
or belows:
// Remove all stopped containers
% docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
// or Remove all containers
% docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -q)
Docker volume will not be changed and remained once it was created (except mount with -v). That is to say "exists independently".
This is observed as well in using docker-compose. If you define and use volumes: in docker-compose.yml file, be cautious that the created volume will not be removed after invoking docker compose down
a workaround is to delete the docker volume beforehand
# Remove volumes
% docker volume rm <specified volume name>
# or
% docker volume prune