(Any more advanced mathematical or computational methods used, or possible configuration options, that only specialized users would need to change)
(Ie using a totally different compartmental model or outcomes model)
Aka “magic numbers” - fixed parameters that may or may not be in config, like MCMC step size, dt, etc . . .
MCMC step size
Numerical integration step size
Mobility proportion
Current branch: main
This repository contains all the code underlying the mathematical model and the data fitting procedure, as well as ...
To actually run the model, this repository folder must be located inside a location folder (e.g. COVID19_USA
) which contains additional files describing the specifics of the model to be run (i.e. the config file), all the necessary input data (i.e. the population structure), and any data to which the model will be fit (i.e. cases and death counts each day)
This directory contains the core Python code that creates and simulates generic compartmental models and additionally simulates observed variables. This code is called gempyor
for General Epidemics Modeling Pipeline with Yterventions and Outcome Reporting. The code in gempyor is called from R scripts (see /main_scripts and /R sections below) that read the config, run the model simulation via gempyor as required, read in data, and run the model inference algorithms.
- contains the build system requirements and dependencies for the gempyor package; used during package installation
- contains information used by Python's setuptools
to build the gempyor
package. Contains the definitions of command line shortcuts for running simulations directly from gempyor
(bypassing R interface) if desired
seir.py - Contains the core code for simulating the mathematical model. Takes in the model definition and parameters from the config, and outputs a file with a timeseries of the value of each state variable (# of individuals in each compartment)
simulate_seir.py -
steps_rk.py -
steps_source.py -
outcomes.py - Contains the core code for generating the outcome variables. Takes in the output of the mathematical model and parameters from the config, and outputs a file with a timeseries of the value of each outcome (observed) variable
simulate_outcomes.py -
file_paths.py -
base.py -
SinglePeriodModifier.py -
MultiPeriodModifier.py -
SinglePeriodModifierInterven.py -
/dev - contains functions that are still in development
/data - ?
Contains notebooks with some gempyor
-specific documentation and examples
Rinterface.Rmd - And R notebook that provides some background on gempyor
and describes how to run it as a standalone package in python, without the R wrapper scripts or the Docker.
Rinterface.html - HTML output of Rinterface.Rmd
This directory contains the R scripts that takes the specifications in the configuration file and sets up the model simulation, reads the data, and performs inference.
inference_main.R - This is the master R script used to run the model. It distributes the model runs across computer cores, setting up runs for all the scenarios specified in the config, and for each model iteration used in the parameter inference. Note that despite the name "inference" in this file, this script must be used to run the model even if no parameter inference is conducted
inference_slot.R - This script contains the main code of the inference algorithm.
create_seeding.R -
This directory contains the core R code - organized into functions within packages - that handle the model setup, data pulling and processing, conducting parameter inference for the model, and manipulating model output.
inference - contains code to
groundtruth.R - contains functions for pulling ground truth data from various sources. Calls functions in the flepicommon
functions.R - contains many functions used in running the inference algorithm
inference_slot_runner_funcs.R - contains many functions used in running the inference algorithm
inference_to_forecast.R -
documentation.Rmd - Summarizes the documentation relevant to the inference package, including the configuration file options relevant to model fitting
InferenceTest.R -
/tests/ -
Depreciated? Should be removed
Depreciated? Should be removed
Depreciated? Should be removed
Current branch: main
Contains R scripts for generating model input parameters from data, writing config files, or processing model output. Most of the files in here are historic (specific to a particular model run) and not frequently used. Important scripts include:
get_vacc_rate_and_outcomes_R13.R - this pulls vaccination coverage and variant prevalence data specific to rounds (either empirical, or specified by the scenario), and adjusts these data to the formats required for the model. Several data files are created in this process: variant proportions for each scenario, vaccination rates by age and dose. A file is also generated that defines the outcome ratios (taking in to account immune escape, cross protection and VE).
Scripts to generate config files for particular submissions to the Scenario Modeling Hub. Most of this functionality has now been replaced by the config writer package ()
Scripts to process the output of model runs into data formats and plots used for Scenario Modeling Hub and Forecast Hub. These scripts pull runs from AWS S3 buckets and processes and formats them to specifications for submissions to Scenario Modeling Hubs, Forecast Hubs and FluSight. These formatted files are saved and the results visualized. This script uses functions defined in /COVIDScenarioPipeline/R/scripts/postprocess.
Contains data files used in parameterizing the model for COVID-19 in the US (such as creating the population structure, describing vaccine efficacy, describing parameter alterations due to variants, etc). Some data files are re-downloaded frequently using scripts in the pipeline (us_data.csv) while others are more static (geodata, mobility)
Important files and folders include
"Shape-files" (.shp) that .....
Data files containing the dates that different non pharmaceutical interventions (like mask mandates, stay-at-home orders, school closures) were implemented by state
Files used to create the config elements related to vaccination, such as vaccination rates by state by age and vaccine efficacy by dose
Files created in the process of downloading and analyzing data on variant proportions
Contains files for scientific manuscripts using results from the pipeline. Not up to date
Contains an archive of configuration files used for previous model runs
Same as above. Contains an archive of configuration files used for previous model runs
Depreciated - to be removed? - contains rarely used scripts
Depreciated - to be removed? - contains rarely used notebooks to check model input. Might be used in some unit tests?
Depreciated - to be removed?
How to plug-in your code/data directly into flepiMoP
Sometimes, the default modules, such as seeding, or initial condition, do not provide the desired functionality. Thankfully, it is possible to replace a gempyor module with your own code, using plug-ins. This works only for initial conditions and seeding at the moment, reach out to us if you are interested in having it works on parameters, modifiers, ...
Here is an example, to set a random initial condition, where each subpopulation a random proportion of individuals is infected. For this, simply set the method
of a block to plugin
and provide the path of your file.
This file contains a class that inherits from a gempyor class, which means that everything already defined in gempyor is available but you can overwrite any single method. Here, we will rewrite the load and draw methods of the initial conditions methods
You can use any code within these functions, as long as the return object has the shape and type that gempyor expect (and that is undocumented and still subject to change, but as you see in this case gempyor except an array (a matrix) of shape: number of compartments X number of subpopulations). You can e.g call bash functions or excute R scripts such as below
The pipeline uses files to communicate between different iterations. Currently, the following file types exist:
During each iteration, inference uses these files to communicate with the compartmental model and outcomes. The intent is that inference should only need to read and write these files, and that the compartmental model can handle everything else. In addition to the global
versions of these files actually passed to the compartmental/reporting model, there exist chimeric
versions used internally by inference and stored in memory. These copies are what inference interacts with when it needs to perturb values. While this design was chosen primarily to support modularity (a fixed communication boundary makes it easy to swap out the compartmental model), it has had a number of additional benefits.
The first iteration of an MCMC algorithm is a special case, because we need to pull initial conditions for our parameters. We originally developed the model without inference in mind, so the compartmental model is already set up to read parameter distributions from the configuration file, and to draw values from those distributions, and record those parameters to file. We take advantage of this to bootstrap our MCMC parameters by running the model one time, and reading the parameters it generated from file.
We can, instead of bootstrapping our first iteration, read in final values of a previous iteration. This allows us to resume from runs to save computational time and effectively continue iterating on the same chain. We call these resumes: inferred parameters are taken from a previous run and allowed to continue being inferred ;
Resumes take the following files (if they exist) from previous runs and uses them as the starting point of a new run:
In addition to resuming parameters (above), we can also perform a continuation resume. In addition to resuming parameters and seeding, continuations also use the compartmental fits from previous runs. For a config starting at time continuing and resuming from a previous run, the compartmental states of the previous run at time are used as the initial conditions of the continuation resume ;